Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Heya! My name is Mattias Westphal, Matt Westphal but better known online as "Stinger, Stinger21 or Paimail." I'd like to call myself an amateur level designer, as this is what I spend most of my non-gaming free time doing. as of posting this I have racked up a scary 4000 hours total in valve's Source SDK. This amount of time has given me quite a lot of technical experience, I know the ins and outs of the source engine and am very familiar with the hammer editor and the associated compilers.

What doing this has not given me much of however is experience drawing actual level layouts. For most of my maps I have been sticking to maps with very simple layouts or tweaking layouts found in other maps. Because of this gap in my skill-set I have decided to start this log.

Every day I will draw a 100% original and new map layout from scratch. big, small, complex, simple, FPS, RTS or MMO does not matter. The point is to make sure I do something every day. My goal with this is to get good at creating basic layouts quickly and efficiently.

One final thing; Every week I will pick my favorite layout from the last week and do a block-out of it in.

oh, also. Feel free to take and use any of the layouts create here. No need to give credit :)

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